「光を見たとき、緊張も恐れもなくなり、人生に再び希望が見えました…」アメリカで厳しい吹雪に見舞われたクライアントが暗所恐怖症を説明してくれたときは感動しました。私たちの製品が彼にもたらすもの。ユーザーエクスペリエンスにより、精力を投入し、消費者のニーズを理解するが確信することです。そして、Ampere Timeは、グローバルユーザーにより快適なエクスペリエンスを提供するために、最も強力な製品とサービスの提供に引き続き注力しています。
"We are the support team who communicates with you every day, and we focus on every detail to make sure you 100% got a high-quality battery with the best service: How to pack well? How can we deliver faster so that you can receive the battery ASAP? How to provide you with a better service? ...We hope that you not only purchased a battery but also have a pleasant and valuable experience. We also believe the best ideas always come from our excellent customers, and we are always available to hear from you, anytime & anything."
Love from Una (Customer Service Team Leader) & Aimee (Delivery Team Leader)
“When I saw the light, I was no longer nervous and scared, and I saw hope in my life again..." I was deeply impressed when a customer who experienced a huge snowstorm in the USA explained to us the fear that the darkness brought her and what our products had brought for her. The feeling from our users makes us even more convinced that we should invest more energy and effort to understand consumers’ needs, and LiTime will remain deeply committed to delivering the most powerful product and service to create a more comfortable experience for our global users.
What guides us as we go is our love of life, life is about embracing more opportunities, enjoying adventures, and spending lovely time with loved ones. However, many countries are still facing power shortages or large-scale power outages as a result of storms, the world went dark, and life has lost its color and light. What we aspire to do is to make electricity equally accessible and affordable to everyone who wants to enjoy life and adventure, allowing more people to pursue a better life.
Based on the advantage of the lithium battery industry in China and owning 4 warehouses in the US, LiTime has served more than 30000 customers all over the world.
2-5 Days Delivery
5-year Warranty
Quick Response Online Service (within 24Hrs)
Free Replacement for new battery
4 Warehouses in the U.S.
Our vision is to create more than a marketplace where people could get products in need but to create a community hub where everyone could learn and share what they care about, RV, lifestyles, technology, and how they can have an impact on making better things happen.